A new production by renowned playwright Jim Cartwright was to be staged at the University of Salford and would see audience members taking the role of guests at the wedding reception from hell and we were asked to design the set and the brief was a colourful wedding on a budget.
A new production by renowned playwright Jim Cartwright was to be staged at the University of Salford and would see audience members taking the role of guests at the wedding reception from hell and we were asked to design the set and the brief was a colourful wedding on a budget.
We worked in groups to come up with ideas to fulfil the brief and Jim came in to choose the designs he liked. he was asking for colourful wedding.
Working in a group was a little difficult as we all had idea's and it wasn't easy to be heard at times but I went ahead and ordered colourful decorations as we were running out of time and budget and managed to cheer the set up very cheaply as I think it would have lacked colour without.
The play was a success and everyone was really happy with the outcome.
I think getting involved from the start, making yourself heard and a few good mood boards to show your idea's to the group will help get your vision across.