Some great experience I had was to help design the set for a final year student's end of term show.
A media student had her idea's but not how to go about creating a look for the set.
The brief was "Dinosaurs, Leaves, Vines, and a set children could look at and want to make parts of it at home."
There was a low budget and I wanted to come up with ideas to be as cheap as possible.
I love the idea of getting materials for free or as cheap as possible but to look effective at the same time.
This was the logo for the show so I did a few sketches of what the set could look like.
Cardboard dinosaurs popping out of paper mache eggs,
A nest of eggs, dinosaur shaped lettering, cavemen peeing out of caves watching the presenter.
I was nervous as this was the first time I had helped design a set for another person but excited to see if I could come up with designs she would like.
There was to be an area with a desk and a question and answer area.
I was thinking, cardboard, paper, paper mache, large card boxes, things children could get free or inexpensive.
Off cuts of material to cover tyres to make seating, cardboard cut into grass shapes, cardboard tubes painted which I could get carpet shops for free and use as palm trees with paper leaves.
The media student loved the last 2 designs so we set about making the set props.
I collected newspapers from the local buses to keep down on costs and made a few bones, eggs and a dinosaur head
2 other students helped to make props, one made this great jeep from cardboard boxes and spray paint and another cut out lots of colourful leaves to cover the flats.
Our media student was really happy with the design and finished set and went on to graduate.
It was great to help out and I gained a lot of experience in what goes in to put a set together, the costs, schedules, how costly studios are and so preparation if key to have everything ready to shoot the show without hiccups. To have everything made and delivered on time as not to put anyone else behind their schedule.
Working as a team helped the finished look of the show.
I was very proud helping with a design, to help get the project finished that everyone was happy with the finished show.
I loved to see my name on the credits at the end and hope what I have learned can be put into practice on more shows in the future.